...Project Delora
Project Delora is the codename for an upcoming RPG inspired by classic games like EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, Warcraft, and the like.
We started development of the game in April 2022, and have been chugging along with daily updates ever since. As of now we're not sharing a lot about the game publicly, but you can check out our progress via our internal builds patch notes. We don't want to share too many details about the project until things are in a more polished state, but some high-level expectations we have for the game are:
No hand-holding
You'll need to figure out where to go and what to do on your own.
Old-school type challenges
How hard is it to kill that bear? No clue. Go find out!
Interesting quests
Not loaded with fetch-quests. Decisions have consequences.
Strategic Elements
Battles should require thought and planning.