Who are we?
In a Nutshell
We're a group of three friends who thankfully got to grow up playing games that didn't include micro-transactions, loot crates, battle passes, and gacha mechanics. We've witnessed the complete and utter degradation of gaming by greedy and repulsive AAA companies who rely on predatory practices to siphon away our money, and corrupt our children through the normalization of gambling mechanics. This is our attempt to show the industry it doesn't have to be that way, and hopefully a gift to the gaming community at large, which deserves to be treated much better than it has been in recent years.
Classically Inspired
An Enduring Experience
Since we're not bound by corporate overlords we can develop what we want, when we want, and how we want.
In our case, that means taking what we love from our favorite games, and our imaginations and building it into our game without any limitations.
We will optimize fun, not profits.